Intrusion Detection

Home Security Audit

Brittney Broadrick
07 June 2023
5 min read

Home Security Audit


Keeping your home safe and secure is of utmost importance. Understanding the vulnerabilities and weak points in your home's security is the first step towards effective burglary prevention. In this blog post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to checking how secure your home is from burglary. By following these steps and implementing necessary measures, you can significantly enhance the safety of your home and protect your loved ones and belongings.

  1. Examine Entry Points:

Begin by inspecting all entry points to your home, including doors, windows, and garage. Check the condition and quality of locks and ensure they are sturdy and in good working order. Consider upgrading to deadbolt locks, which provide higher resistance to forced entry. Ensure that windows are fitted with secure locks or consider installing window security film or bars for added protection. Don't forget to assess the integrity of your garage door, as it can be a vulnerable entry point. Reinforce it with a strong lock or an electronic opener with rolling codes for enhanced security.

  1. Outdoor Lighting:

Inadequate outdoor lighting can create hiding spots for potential burglars. Assess the exterior lighting around your property and make sure all entry points, pathways, and dark corners are well illuminated. Consider installing motion-sensor lights, which activate when someone approaches, as they can deter burglars and alert you to any suspicious activity. Additionally, timers can be used to automatically switch lights on and off when you're away, creating the illusion of an occupied home.

  1. Landscaping and Visibility:

Overgrown bushes and shrubs near windows and doors provide cover for burglars. Trim back vegetation to improve visibility and eliminate potential hiding spots. While maintaining your home's curb appeal, make sure your landscaping doesn't compromise security. If your property is fenced, inspect the condition of the fence and ensure it is sturdy and not easily scalable. Remove any objects, such as ladders or tools, that could aid in gaining unauthorized access to your home.

  1. Home Security Systems:

Consider installing a comprehensive home security system to provide an additional layer of protection. These systems often include a combination of burglar alarms, motion sensors, security cameras, and door/window sensors. Opt for a system that suits your needs and budget, and ensure it is professionally installed and monitored. Visible signage and stickers indicating the presence of a security system can act as a deterrent to potential burglars.

  1. Secure Valuables:

Take an inventory of your valuable possessions and consider storing them securely. Install a safe to safeguard important documents, jewelry, and small electronics. Place the safe in a discreet and well-protected location. If you have large and valuable items, such as artwork or collectibles, consider using security cables or anchors to prevent them from being easily removed.

  1. Neighborhood Watch and Community Engagement:

Engaging with your neighbors and participating in a neighborhood watch program can be highly effective in preventing burglaries. Get to know your neighbors and establish a sense of community. Look out for each other and report any suspicious activities to the authorities. Organize neighborhood watch meetings and share security tips and strategies to collectively enhance home security.

  1. Online and Social Media Awareness:

In this digital age, it's essential to be mindful of the information you share online. Avoid broadcasting your travel plans or extended absences on social media platforms. Doing so can make your home an easy target for burglars. Be cautious about sharing personal details or photos that could reveal your home's layout or valuable possessions.


Assessing your home's security from the perspective of a potential burglar is crucial to identifying vulnerabilities and implementing necessary measures. By examining entry points, improving outdoor lighting, maintaining visibility, installing a home security system, securing valuables, engaging with your community, and